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"The burden of leadership is self-sacrifice."

I take my job as a leader very seriously.  I know that doing the right thing is always the right thing, and that my behavior is a model for my team and the rest of the agency.

I believe in diversity, and I know that the best thinking comes from surrounding myself with people who don't think like me. They usually don't look like me either. Creating an environment where every person can bring their whole self into the office every day and feel respected and appreciated is important to me. 

I believe in supporting and empowering my team, and giving them both the freedom and the responsibility for excellence.  Trust and commitment are important, and I expect my teams and partners to push back, tell me the truth even if I don't want to hear it, and work together toward a common goal.

I don't always get it right, but I always do my best.  And when I do get it wrong, I admit it and accept responsibility.

Leadership means being the first into the fray, and the last one to fall. It means sharing the fame, and taking the blame. It means being the one who can be counted on all the time, every time.  And I'm proud to do the job. 

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